22 Apr

London Dentists Explain About Mouth Guards

Among dental problems, trauma to the teeth is the most common injury found in athletes. In their efforts to keep London healthy, the dentists have been constantly on the go to aware people of the different dental problems.
The dentists arrange seminars; distribute literature on the different dental issues, etc. just to make sure that everyone is well aware of how to maintain proper oral hygiene and the preventive measures to protect teeth from damage.
It is through these efforts that athletes have been educated to wear mouth guard during their sports activities to make sure that they prevent their teeth from any injury. Mouth guards are designed in a way to act as protective layer to prevent trauma.
The sports in which the athletes must wear mouth guard includes football, basketball, hockey, bicycling, soccer, boxing, skiing, skateboarding, etc. It is important to note here that some individuals buy mouth guard without consulting their dentist, which is not advisable.
You can choose from the three different mouth guards. One is ready made, second is boil and bite and the third is custom made. The best of them all is the custom made. The reason is that your dentist is going to make one according to the anatomy of your teeth and structure of your jaw to provide you with maximum protection.
The preferred material to make mouth guards is ethylene vinyl acetate. The standards followed while fabricating mouth guards includes a minimal labial thickness of 3 mm, a minimal palatal thickness of 2 mm, minimal occlusal thickness of 2 mm, and extension of the mouth guard into the vestibular borders.
For the custom made mouth guard, your London dentist will obtain an impression of your teeth by using dental putty and then makes the mouth guard from the mould, which will provide you with the perfect mouth guard that fits impeccably on your teeth.
So whichever mouth guard you decide to buy, just make sure that it is comfortable, is a brand label that ensures resistance to wear off, one that does not impair your breathing and that can be easily washed and cleaned for next use.