09 Dec

Restore the brilliance of your smile with dental implants from London dentists

Dental implants represent a long term solution to replacing lost teeth. Teeth can be lost through a variety of causes but it is vital that they are adequately replaced so that you can eat and drink with ease and smile with confidence.
People sometimes loose a tooth or teeth through an accident or simply as the result of poor oral hygiene that has led to tooth decay and ultimately loss. Old age itself increases the chances of tooth loss as a life time or wear and tear breaks down teeth’s natural defence. Dental implants act as replacements for the root of the tooth that has been lost. These implants are made from the extremely durable substance titanium and will fuse with the surrounding bone. This process of osseointegration means that your replacement tooth will be housed in conditions of maximum stability.
An x-ray or CT scan will be necessary to assess the area and then your dentist will clean the area of any debris. Local anaesthetic will be administered, allowing your dentist to make a small incision in the jaw. The titanium implant will be installed into the incision, which will then be stitched up and allowed to heal while you might wear a temporary replacement attached to the implant. Once fused with the bone, your permanent replacement will be fastened to the implant.
The results offered by dental implants allow you to treat your replacement tooth just as you would any of the regular teeth in your mouth with the added bonus that, with the right care, they can last a life time. If you need a solution to tooth loss, contact your London dentist today and ask about what dental implants can do for you.