21 Oct
Learn more about toothpaste at Central London dentist

Toothpaste is the soft substance that is applied to toothbrushes to aid with the cleaning of teeth. It is very effective at removing plaque and bacteria from the surfaces of the teeth and often contains fluoride, which helps to protect the teeth against gum disease and tooth decay. It is…

14 Oct
Secure modern dentures from City of London dentist

City of London dentists have been replacing lost teeth with dentures for many years but the dentures they are able to fit these days are a vast improvement on the dentures of the past. Modern dentures are made of modern plastics and ceramics and look more lifelike, feel more comfortable…

14 Oct
Understanding the nature of dental visits at Central London dentist

There are many types of dental visit depending on the nature of treatment you require, if any, and the condition of your teeth. It is important that you are clear what it is you are going to the dentist for and what is likely to take place when you are…

12 Oct
Beat dental phobia with help of City of London dentist

Many people who suffer from dental phobia can see no way or time when they will be able to overcome their fear. A phobia is a severe form of fear characterised by an urgent desire to avoid the thing that causes the anxiety. Phobias can be very debilitating and frightening…

07 Oct
Cleaning teeth and check up with City of London dentist saves teeth

If you knew that you could protect your body from disease and infection by spending just a few minutes each day carrying out a simple cleaning routine you would definitely do it, and you’d make sure to be thorough. But that is the case with your teeth yet millions of…

14 Sep
Don’t underestimate gum disease say Central London dentists

Gum disease is often overlooked as a serious threat. For some reason we often assume that the health of our teeth and gums is somehow less important than that of the rest of out body. If a person has an eye infection, the first thing they will likely do is…