Tag: dental veneer
London prefers the Porcelain Veneer
If age is starting to get the better of your teeth and problems have started to appear, you needn’t worry too much because help is at hand just around the corner. London loves a little cosmetic dentistry and there is none cuter than the porcelain veneer to hold off the…
READ ARTICLECentral London’s answer to crooked teeth- the Veneer
If you ask dentists in central London how they would suggest remedying to crooked teeth in the mouth, it’s a pretty good bet that most of them would advocate some form of brace or aligner. But for the person who has the crooked teeth, especially the older person, a long…
READ ARTICLEDental veneers a great solution for cracked or chipped teeth, say City of London dentists
Cracking or chipping a tooth can be a painful experience, especially if it is part of an accident which affects the mouth. Once any pain has gone though, you will have to live with the look of a cracked tooth in your mouth. It might not seem like much but…
READ ARTICLECerec: the next step in dentistry at City of London dentist
Dental crowns and veneers play a very large part in cosmetic and restorative dentistry and have done for many years. However, one of the main drawbacks of crowns and veneers has always been the difficult and complex way in which they had to be manufactured. Once the dentist had taken…
READ ARTICLEMouth guard from City of London dentists prevents painful dental injury
Some of the most common sporting injures involve some kind of dental trauma. Chipped, cracked or knocked out teeth are common in physically demanding sports such as football or rugby, and other ball sports like cricket. If you have ever been unfortunate enough to receive a dental injury playing sports…
READ ARTICLECosmetic bonding from City of London dentist restores appearance of teeth
Chipped, cracked or broken teeth can be the source of considerable pain and also result in further dental complications in the future. Therefore it is necessary to repair any damage caused to teeth as soon as possible. One of the most affordable and effective treatments for dental injuries is cosmetic…