Tag: waterlase
Central London’s answer to tricky procedures: Waterlase
As dentistry gets up to speed with technology in central London, then treatments become more refined and painless, and there is no better example of this than Waterlase. Laser techniques have made an incredible impact on modern dental procedures and they have eradicated some very painful treatments such as root…
READ ARTICLE‘Wicked’ Waterlase hits the dental surgeries of London
Fillings and root canal treatment were often a painful set of treatments in the past and could often leave you in pain and feeling like you had just been mugged in London: the old drilling and slicing techniques- not very nice at all. Thankfully though, technology has made its pretty…
READ ARTICLELondon dentists offer painless dental procedures with Waterlase
The thought of a painful dental procedure is enough to put people off getting that work done in their mouth that know they ought to get done. For some, even the sound of a dental drill fills them with fear and they would rather not visit the dentists’ at all….
READ ARTICLEPainless Dentistry in Central London with Waterlase
The invention of the laser has had as much of an impact in central London as the computer. It’s used in all walks of life, from engineering, to lighting displays through to medical procedures. So, it was only a matter of time before it found its way into the dentist’s…