Avoid dental problems with preventative dentistry from London dentist
When it comes to the health of your teeth, it is never more true that prevention is better than cure. This is what has led dentists to adopt an approach to treatment called preventative dentistry. It aims to stop any dental problems occurring in the first place rather than attempting to treat them when they arise and it has proved to be very effective.
The first stage to preventative dentistry is to make an appointment with your London dentist. Together, and also working with a dental hygienist, you will devise a plan to keep your teeth in the best possible condition. Then the dentist will address any dental problems you may currently be suffering from. This will include treating any gum disease or tooth decay that could potentially cause damage. Once all this treatment is carried out you will need an appointment with the dental hygienist for the next stage of the process.
This involves cleaning all the teeth to a very high standard, removing any tartar or plaque and even removing stains. Using a process called scaling and polishing, the hygienist will get your teeth in the best possible condition. The next stage of the process is then down to you. Your dentist and hygienist will have devised a cleaning plan that you are required to stick to for the best possible results.
By following the hygiene plan closely you will give yourself the best possible chance of avoiding any dental problems in the future. As always, you will need to return to the dentist every six months at least for a check up to monitor your progress. Any adjustments can then be made to your treatment plan.