Central London dentist has many tips for improving your teeth
Many of us would like to improve our teeth, given the chance. This can be achieved in a number of ways. Both the condition and appearance of our teeth can be improved. The way to improve the condition is through better cleaning and more regular visits to the dentist. We have probably all been told hundreds of times in our lives to make sure we brush and floss twice a day and see a dentist every six months, but in all honesty, how many of us actually do this? By making these small steps you can go a long way to improving your teeth.
At a check up, your Central London dentist may suggest an appointment with the dental hygienist. Nearly all dental surgeries now have hygienists who can work in conjunction with your dentist to ensure your teeth are as clean as possible. They can develop a dental hygiene plan, designed specifically for your teeth and show you more effective methods of home cleaning. This plan, together with some corrective dentistry treatments constitutes preventative dentistry, the idea that by sticking to the routine you can avoid any future dental complications.
Improving the appearance of your teeth will happen naturally with the more care you take of them, but in some cases it is preferable to have some cosmetic dental treatment. This could take the form of a tooth whitening treatment or even porcelain veneers. There are many different cosmetic treatments that can be used to improve your teeth that range in complexity and price. Ask you dentist for more information about how to get the best out of your smile so you can have the best looking smile possible.