Covering up the bad bits: Cosmetic Bonding in London
Restoring and maintaining your smile can be of the utmost importance to some people in the work they do and knowing that you have a beautiful smile to work with can breed confidence in you. However, as you get older, you may have to work harder at this: gaps can start to appear between your teeth, along with cracks in the enamel. Your teeth can lose their length through wear and your gums may start to recede. But there is a cracking little treatment flying around London that can solve all of these problems in a single sitting- cosmetic bonding. All you have to do is turn up for an appointment and after a quick clean of your teeth, you watch as your dentist applies layer after layer of resin onto the surfaces of your teeth. When all of your problems have been covered up and there is enough resin to work with, your dentist can start to sculpture your teeth into shape and once the desired look has been achieved, then your teeth are highly polished for that magical look. Bonding is very versatile, quick and cheap and even if things go wrong, or the bonding becomes stained (on of its weaknesses), then you simply pop back for a top-up.