Dental Disease is Found in the City of London and Further Afield
Globally, people suffer from dental diseases such as Caries, Cancer and Periodontal Disease. Some are aware of their conditions and others oblivious to the fact that they have a dental disease. Whether you live in the City of London or are visiting, City of London dentists are available to screen and treat you for dental diseases.
Dental diseases present certain symptoms, such as: bad breath; bleeding gums; moving or painful teeth; consistent oral irritation; infected gum tissue, tooth roots and dental pulp; and tooth loss. Leaving a dental disease untreated allows infection to spread from tooth root canals via the blood stream and nervous throughout the body. Heart and blood disease, diabetes and cancers may develop from untreated dental diseases.
Certain factors may cause the development of dental diseases, such as poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, gum infection, smoking and medications. Practising regular oral hygiene as recommended by a dentist, lowers the risk of dental diseases. It is only through frequent dental check-ups or screening that dental diseases may be diagnosed and treated.
People from certain groups within the population may be at higher risk to dental diseases, such as children and those with pre-existing diseases and medical conditions, individuals with disabilities including learning disabilities, and the elderly. Family and/or carers need to be vigilant in seeing that these vulnerable people receiving the dental screening and care needed for better health and quality of life.
Being screened for a dental disease may identify the early onset of a dental disease, curb the spread of disease to the rest of the body, provides necessary treatment to manage or eliminate the dental disease, and gives improved health and peace of mind. Patients have choices in treatment for dental diseases, such as root canal treatment, aimed at removing oral infection to preserve existing teeth.