Dental Veneers for Teeth in Central London
Cosmetic dentistry is available almost everywhere you look these days in central London, but choosing the right one for you can be a bit difficult. But if you have a pretty strong, healthy set of teeth, but that are looking a tad tired and worn, you ought to take a look at dental veneers, for these little gems can make your teeth look like a million pounds for a very reasonable outlay, starting from as little as £200, cheaper on the NHS. All it takes is a couple of visits to the dentist, the first, pain-free, to have your teeth prepped and moulds made (which are then sent off to manufacture your veneers), and the second to have them cemented into place. (With CEREC, it’s over with in a couple of hours). The most effective and popular choice are made from porcelain and give off a beautiful, natural look to the mouth. They are extremely durable, lasting up top 15 years and hide a multitude of sins, such as cracks, chips and gaps, as well as increasing the length of the tooth. The more delicate cousin of the veneer is a lumineer, made from a specially patented material and paper thin. They require no special preparation, as they cemented straight onto the tooth; not as durable, but equally beautiful in the mouth.