Don’t Let Bruxism Blight A Beautiful Smile
Have you ever woken up with headaches, migraines or pain around your jaw? Does your jaw or your facial muscles feel tense or stiff? Has anyone ever told you that you grind your teeth in your sleep? If so, we may have a solution.
Bruxism, also known as tooth grinding, is a common problem, which tends to affect people when they are stressed or under pressure. It occurs when the top and bottom arches of teeth clash or grind together. In some cases, bruxism is only very occasional and this is usually nothing to worry about, but if you grind your teeth on a regular basis, there can be potentially serious consequences for your teeth.
What causes bruxism?
Studies show that stress and anxiety increase the likelihood of bruxism and tooth grinding may also be linked to damaged fillings or crowns and orthodontic issues, which affect the alignment of the upper and lower arches of the teeth.
The effects of bruxism
Bruxism can cause tooth wear and damage, in addition to symptoms such as headaches, muscle pain and stiffness around the jaw and the TMJ (temporomandibular joint), ear ache and clicking and popping noises when you move your jaw. If you chip a tooth, there is then an increased risk of further damage.
Dealing with bruxism
If you are suffering from the effects of tooth grinding, we can provide you with a custom-made bite guard to prevent your teeth from coming together during the night. This appliance is similar to a mouth guard and it helps to protect your teeth. If bruxism is linked to issues with the bite, we may recommend orthodontic treatment.