05 Feb

Fall in Love with Lingual Braces This February

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, now is the perfect time to fall in love with a beautiful new smile. If you’re eager to eliminate orthodontic issues for good this February without having to worry about the way you look, we have the perfect solution for you! With lingual braces, we can transform your smile in secret, so you can look forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day in style.

What are lingual braces and how could they benefit me?

Lingual braces are fixed braces that provide an invisible alternative to traditional fixed braces. Unlike normal braces, these braces cannot be seen when you smile because they are placed on the back of the teeth. Lingual braces can be used to treat issues with both arches and are suitable for patients with a wide range of orthodontic issues.
Lingual braces offer many benefits to orthodontic patients. Not only are they invisible, giving you greater confidence during treatment, but they use the latest technology to reduce friction and promote comfort. Many people worry about having braces because they don’t want their image or other people’s perceptions of them to change and lingual braces offer a way of achieving the dream smile without any hassle or anxiety.
We are proud to offer the latest lingual brace systems and are confident that we can find a solution for all clients with orthodontic needs. We have treatments capable of producing dramatic transformations as well as STB Social 6 and STb Light lingual braces, which are designed to correct minor orthodontic imperfections. Treatment for mild cases takes a matter of weeks, so you’ll be coming to see us to have your braces taken off before you know it.
If you like the sound of invisible treatment and amazing results every time, why not call us now and book a consultation?