Get dental flaws corrected in London clinics with computer aided tec
CEREC, which is an acronym for Chairside, Economical, Restorations, Esthetic and Ceramic, is a process or technique with which you can restore the natural beauty, strength and functions of your denture. The process does not involve any metal, and the final color it renders to your teeth is most natural. As the name implies, it involves ceramic that mimics the composition of the tooth structure.The process was invented by a Switzerland-based dentist, Dr. Werner H. Moermann and an electrical engineer Dr. Markus Brandistini in 1985. The process steadily gained its popularity over the last decade. There are many dental clinics in London, which you can visit for correcting the flaws of your denture.
The process is dependant on the CAD/CAM applications and involves state-of-the-art CEREC 3D software. Your dental surgeon will be closely scanning the tooth to be recovered with a scanning probe that is attached with a medical-grade computer. The software would then convert the scanned data to a virtual three-dimensional model of the tooth. The surgeon, who is specialist in correcting the image with the software, would design the restoration needed and would guide a CEREC milling unit to prepare ceramic block that complements the contours and shapes of your damaged tooth minutely. The colour of the ceramic block is chosen very carefully so that it matches the shades of your other teeth.
Once the milling unit delivers the final ceramic block, the surgeon polishes and finishes the piece and firmly places it on the tooth. Depending on the size and number of teeth the entire process may take 1 to 3 hours.
You can get any of your damaged teeth or part of it like inlays, crowns, onlays, veneers, etc., restored with the process. The process is adored by the patients and the dentists all over the world because of its simplicity. The process in painless as well. So, go ahead and find the loveliest smile you always cherished.