How Bad is Drinking Alcohol For Your Teeth?
It’s summer, and many of us are busy enjoying garden gatherings and afternoons in the beer garden. There’s nothing wrong with having a drink now and again, but it is important to be aware of the impact of drinking on your teeth and the dangers associated with drinking to excess.
How bad is drinking alcohol for your teeth?
Alcohol itself doesn’t pose much of a risk to your dental health if you drink in moderation. However, the juices and fizzy drinks used as mixers and sweet flavourings added to alcohol can put you at risk of dental decay. Fizzy drinks added to spirits, flavoured ciders and beers and cocktails can all be laden with sugar. In addition, drinks like wine and fruit juices are acidic. Acids are dangerous for the teeth because they weaken the protective enamel covering, increasing the risk of cavities and sensitivity. If you are drinking, use a straw and try and opt for diet versions of mixers, which contain no sugar.
Drinking alcohol is not just a danger to your teeth because of the risk of decay. Alcohol consumption is also one of the main risk factors for oral cancer. Oral cancer is a type of cancer, which has become increasingly common in the UK in the last decade. Drinking is particularly dangerous when combined with smoking. If you’re a smoker and you drink more than the recommended intake of alcohol per week, you are more than 30 times likelier to develop mouth cancer than non-smokers who drink rarely.
If you’re worried about drinking too much or you’d like more information about the impact of alcohol on your oral health, our dental team will be happy to help. Simply give us a call or pop in and see is us if you’re passing.