15 Nov

London Dental Clinic Offers Help For Gum Disease

The majority of adults in London have some form a gum disease (gingivitis). Gum disease occurs when bacteria, their end-products, and dental plaque, create inflammation in the gums that are not defendable by the body’s immune reaction. Signs of gingivitis include; gum swelling, redness, temperature, bleeding and/or visible pus around the gums. Gingivitis can be influenced by local factors (e.g., bacteria and plaque), and modified by host influences. Gingivitis can be treated and reversed if treated at an early stage. However, if not properly treated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. Once oral bone is lost around the teeth, the term periodontitis is used. Periodontitis is classified as a loss of tooth attachment and surrounding tissues, e.g., periodontal ligament, gums, and/or oral bone.
Anaerobic bacteria are usually responsible for gingivitis and periodontal disease. These bacteria release damaging by-products and end-products that produce an inflammatory reaction in the gum tissue.. Periodontitis is the loss of oral bone formation and formation of periodontal pocket(s) that can cause tooth loss. Gingivitis and periodontitis can go overlooked until the time pain comes about from abscesses, bleeding gums, and/or bad breath. Your diet may also suffer due to the pain, as you may not want to eat.
Prevention is the key, but there are also various treatments available in London. Your London dentist suggests brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily for 2 minutes each time in order to remove any tooth bacteria and plaque. You should have regular check-ups and have your teeth and gums cleaning at least twice a year. If your London dentist recognizes gum problems, you may be sent to a periodontist (i.e., a gum specialist). Scaling and root planning, antibiotic regimen(s), and maybe gum and oral bone surgery may be required to combat these problems.