London dentists ease the pain of dry socket with effective treatment
In certain circumstances, a tooth might have to be removed from a patient’s mouth. This is, of course, the last resort and dentists would much rather save the tooth. But if the tooth has been so damaged for whatever reason and is not able to function as a tooth should, there may be no other option. Dentists are expert at this procedure but there can be complications. One of these potential complications is known as dry socket and you should be aware of it if you need to have a tooth removed from your mouth.
In the period immediately after having a tooth removed, you will always experience some degree of pain; this quite normal and is an unavoidable consequence of the procedure that has been carried out. But if the pain is particularly bad and is just not going away then you should notify your dentist because it might be that you are experiencing dry socket.
Essentially the cause of dry socket is a failure of the blood to clot properly in the aftermath of a dental extraction. The site will become rather painful and experience a great degree of sensitivity. This sensitivity can occur as a result of eating hot or cold foods and sometimes with breathing in air that touches the affected area and makes it hurt.
Your blood might fail to clot properly if you are on drugs which are suppressing the immune system or taking any birth control pill. Failing to take the right sort of care of the affected area can dislodge the necessary clot too and then dry socket will occur.
Take good care of the area of a tooth extraction and report any difficulties to your London dentist.