Maintaining Your Children’s Teeth in the City of London
Dental care for your child in the City of London should start from the very first day they are born, for the way your child’s teeth grow can affect their oral health for the rest of their lives. Even when there are none showing, the teeth are growing below the gums and the gums need to be wiped after feeding whenever possible. The most important time of course is when your child begins to teethe, which is the same time you should have a good pediatric on board. They are there to maintain the health of children’s teeth and can advise you on diet, cleaning and then tell you the best time to see an orthodontist. Many children suffer from tooth decay around this time due to ‘bottle mouth’, a problem that stems from leaving the bottle in the child’s mouth to long and allowing bacteria from the milk to build up in the mouth; this along with a poor diet or too much sugar, can wreak havoc on your kid’s teeth. A good diet will build up the child’s immune system and encourage a good level of saliva in the mouth- one of the best natural agents to fight bacteria. Fluoride based toothpaste should also be limited around this time, as it has been linked poor health in children- children tend to swallow more toothpaste, which in some extreme cases, can be fatal. Of course, if you get it right at this stage, the healthier your child’s teeth will be, and possibly avoid the need for expensive braces later on. Teaching your kids to brush properly is imperative as is placing them with a dentist that can build up a good dental history that will support them as they grow through these, their informative years.