One-Session Dental Treatments in London
I have been approached several times by people who merely want to inquire about a possible dental treatment. One topic that is usually brought up is the number of sessions it will take before they complete treatment. Although they do not mention their reasons for asking about these things, I can tell that they are concerned about the inconvenience of returning to a dentist’s clinic and the cost of subsequent treatments.The potential for a more permanent establishment of the cosmetic dentistry industry in London is massive! One possible reason is the increasing awareness of the benefits. Going around the city and meeting new people, I frequently get introduced as a dentist and people surprisingly become very interested in what I do. It is quite disconcerting to be bombarded by so many questions, but I can tell that genuine interest is present. The concept of cosmetic dentistry is still new to some, as most still have lasting memories of getting dental fillings composed of amalgam or gold. Whilst these materials are effective in treating decayed teeth, they do not contribute much to the over-all aesthetics of a person’s teeth because of their unattractive colour.
There are some one-session, relatively inexpensive dental treatments that people can avail of, including composite resin bonding, which is recommended for stained or decayed teeth. This procedure takes approximately 45 minutes to one hour, and is quite long lasting. The patient does have to visit again for maintenance, preferably at six-month intervals.
Dental sealants can be placed during the early phases of tooth decay, or for preventing further decay. Treatment takes approximately 15 minutes and the sealant could last up to ten years. For stains or teeth discolouration, I recommend whitening or bleaching. Tooth contouring and reshaping are also permanent treatments that a patient can avail off in just one session.