13 Apr

Oral Thrush Treated By London Dentist

Oral thrush is caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans, a fungus. Your London dentist will tell you that Candida albicans is present in approximately fifty percent of the population. It is also present in denture wearers, without the reported negative effects Oral thrush isn’t a problem for people, unless there is an alteration of the microflora of the cavity that favours the overgrowth of Candida albicans instead of other oral microflora. This can occurs as a result of taking certain antibiotics over a period of time, or some types of chemotherapy for cancer, etc. Diabetes, malnutrition, drug abuse, AIDS, or other immune deficiencies, can also cause this to occur. Denture wearers whose dentures do not fit properly can get oral thrush. Your London dentist may recognize some other symptoms, such as angular cheilosis of the lips, and pale spots on the lips. In the case of oral thrush, there are elevated to yellow spots in the mouth that bleed slightly when scraped with a tongue blade. Oral thrush also causes a burning sensation of the mouth and throat. Your London dentist will perform a thorough examination of your mouth to determine if you have oral thrush. Once it is determined that you have oral thrush, the condition that caused the oral thrush should be brought under control. Your London dentist will work together with your physician in order to get your oral thrush under control. Your London dentist will then give you an antifungal medication, either as a suspension or oral suppository to be sucked until it is dissolved. This will allow the antifungal agent to work locally. Several types of antifungals used are nystatin, amphotericin or miconazole . Antifungal tablets may be required to eliminate the thrush that has spread. Oral thrush makes your mouth more sensitive, so use a soft bristled toothbrush to clean your mouth and rinse with a diluted three percent hydrogen peroxide solution