Overcoming Bruxism in the City of London
Stress is one of those conditions that can creep up without you noticing it and then manifest itself in strange and different ways, especially in a go-get it place like the city of London which demands so much of you. One of the most damaging side effects of stress is teeth grinding- bruxism. The day can throw a lot at you and you may be grinding away without knowing it, but the real damage is done if you fail to chill-out when you get home and take your angst to bed with you; you may well be grinding away in your sleep. Over time and aside from wrecking your teeth, your jaws will start to suffer; they may well ache and start to click whenever you open your mouth and this indicates that the damage has already started: this will lead to further damage all around your head, into your neck and then into your shoulders- and now it gets really serious. Your dentist should pick up on this as well and supply a mouth-guard to protect your teeth, but this won’t stop the grinding action. You will need to learn how to calm down and relax when you clock-off at the end of the day. There are stresses and anger management courses your dentist can put you in touch with, as well as relaxation treatments, but do not allow this condition to continue and get the better of you, for the outcomes can be horrific.