Prevent dental cavities with check up at Central London dentist
Dental cavities, also known as dental caries, are caused by a bacteria-rich substance called plaque. Most of us know the name plaque from dental adverts for toothpaste and dental floss but few people actually know what it does. Plaque is a filmy substance that is very sticky. It is made up of bacteria and decaying food matter and clings to the teeth and gums. As the bacteria and food break down they release acids, known commonly as plaque acids, which gradually erode the enamel, which is the protective layer of the tooth.
Plaque can be removed easily by brushing and flossing which has the effect of preventing this dental erosion. Brushing scrapes the plaque from the surface of the teeth leaving them clean and flossing removes plaque form more hard to reach places, such as between teeth and below the gum line of teeth, helping to stop decay in these areas.
If plaque is not removed due to insufficient cleaning it will continually erode the enamel until it ultimately causes a breach. This is a cavity and exposes the more sensitive and softer inside parts of the tooth to bacteria and infection. These cavities can be filled with amalgam or bonding material by a dentist to protect the central part of the tooth but often the cavity has reached the dental nerve located at the centre of the tooth. This causes a very painful toothache and often a very nasty infection because of the bacteria which may need more serious treatment.
Dental cavities can become very serious if not treated. Effective cleaning and regular, six-month appointments with a Central London dentist should help to keep cavities at bay, or at least repair any damage before it can get too serious.