Prevent dental problems affecting your overall health with check up at London dentist
Your mouth is an excellent indicator of your overall health. Many general bodily health complaints have symptoms that manifest themselves in the mouth. This is why whenever you visit your GP they will check inside your mouth for the telltale signs of a number of health complaints. This is hardly surprising given that the mouth is the gateway to the body, with all food and drink entering the body through the cavity, as well as it being an airway. But it does also work the other way, with the mouth being the cause of more general health problems.
Possible the most well known and serious is the fact that gum disease and oral infection has strong links to heart disease and even fatal heart attacks. When gum disease takes hold in the mouth, it begins to infect areas of gum tissue. These initially become inflamed, causing pain and possible bleeding. If the infection is not addressed either with improved cleaning or with treatment from a London dentist, the infection can spread to other areas of the mouth. It is also possible for it to enter the bloodstream where it can begin to cause serious problems.
If gum disease spreads into the blood it can set off a chemical chain reaction that can result in a narrowing of the arteries around the heart. This will increase blood pressure putting greater strain in the heart and even being responsible for heart attacks. The frustrating thing about gum disease is that it is preventable with better dental care yet 90% of adults in the UK will suffer from it at some point in their lives. More effective brushing and flossing, twinned with regular dental check ups can help to keep gum disease from causing any further health complications.