Replacing your Veneers in Central London
Generally in central London, you will probably be in your twenties/ thirties when you first start to notice that your teeth are starting to look a little jaded from all of the wear and tear they’ve been put through and could do with a bit of a makeover. Veneers are the obvious choice to getting your smile back but they do come with an incept date. Most porcelain veneers can last you up to 15 years if you look after them, but they too will suffer from wear and tear and so, there will come a day when you have to get them replaced; it’s no problem, you just go through the treatment you went through before. But if you are the type of person that lives life to the full, you may find that you may find having to get them replaced more regularly. Again, not a problem, but each time you do, the teeth are going through the process of being of being prepared and that each time, more and more of the teeth’s surface is being eroded to accept the fitting. Lumineers for example, are a wonderful quick-fix- they simply are bonded straight onto the surface of the tooth, without having to destroy the tooth’s enamel. But, they are only good-to-go for about 5 years and every time they are replaced, the enamel of your teeth will suffer. All veneers are beautiful and rejuvenate the way you smile and they are ultimately a must have- look after them, and they will look after you.