Root canal treatment from City of London dentist prevents infection
A root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is a procedure specifically designed to deal with infected matter or decay located in the centre of the tooth. To fully understand the procedure you must first know that the teeth are made of several layers of different material. On the outside is the tooth enamel, the strong protective layer which surrounds the softer dentine on the inside, supporting the structure. Inside that is the soft tissue centre of the tooth containing the nerve.
The root canal of the tooth is the pulpy soft tissue that runs down from the tooth into the jawbone and gum securing the tooth. The pulp contains nerve endings and blood vessels that form the living part of the tooth. When tooth decay happens, this pulpy centre and root canal can become infected spreading down into the gum and bone. Needless to say this can be very painful as the infection is directly attacking the nerve. This infection can also spread to the gums and can cause a painful swelling known as a tooth abscess.
The root canal treatment is designed to save the tooth and alleviate pain by preventing the spread of infection and ultimately removing it. To do this the dentist will need to drill down through the tooth to get to the infected area. In the hands of a well-trained dentist and with the proper anaesthetic this process should be relatively painless and no more painful than having a regular filling. Once the infection is removed the cavity is filled and then sealed with a dental crown to prevent further infection.
Root canal treatments have a bad reputation as being painful and unpleasant but the reality is quite different. A root canal treatment from a City of London dentist could actually prevent a lot of pain and stop the spread of dangerous infections in the mouth.