Root Canal Treatment in City of London
When dental caries extends into the pulp of the tooth, your City of London dentist will need to perform a root canal to help save your tooth. The tooth’s pulp is made up of a blood supply, nerves, and connective tissues. When dental bacteria and their end-products create an infection in the pulp, the tooth will start dying and the result is pain or even tooth loss. Your City of London dentist will anaesthetize the tooth that requires the root canal, and isolate the tooth using a rubber dam. An access hole is then drilled into the tooth’s pulp chamber, and the pulp of the tooth is removed by using special drills and files, and sterile chemical solutions. Next the inside of the tooth is dried using paper points, and gutta percha is placed to seal the inside of the tooth and keep it from becoming reinfected. A properly performed root canal procedure will keep the adjacent teeth from becoming infected. Antibiotics may also be used to kill the infection. Following a root canal, the tooth usually feels better in 1-2 days. A mild pain medication may also be required. Following a root canal, the tooth becomes dry, weakened, and more brittle. Your City of London dentist may suggest a crown to help strengthen your tooth.