A dental bridge replaces an individual’s missing teeth even if there is more than one missing together. A bridge is similar to a small denture like structure that becomes a permanent fixture in the mouth. It is adhered to the teeth around the missing ones. Once a bridge is in place, it can stay in the mouth for a decade or more and not cause any problems. Dental bridges resemble crowns in most aspects except they are able to cover more area than a crown would. Bridges can be made from porcelain, gold, or other materials of the clients choosing. There are three types of dental bridges available in London. The type used will depend on the situation of the individual. The first type is a normal fixed dental bridge. This is the more common type used in London dental practices today. This bridge is adhered to crowns fixed to the teeth surrounding the missing ones. Next is the resin bridge. This best serves the purpose of covering the front teeth but only when the surrounding teeth are strong and healthy enough to support it. The dental bridge of this type is adhered by glue and resin to metal bands connecting them to the teeth left behind. For those looking for a cheaper alternative, the resin bridge is the one to consider. The final of dental bridge is the Cantilever Bridge. This is different from the other two in the aspect that it only connects to one side on the remaining teeth and not both sides. The Cantilever bridge type is conducted while the patient is under a small amount of sedative. There is also a longer preparation time needed for the anchor tooth to be ready to support the bridge. A cast of the mouth is made and the bridge is created in a lab from that mold. Usual procedure is for the patient to be given a temporary bridge to wear until the fitted one is ready to be cemented into the space.