The craft of CEREC in the City of London
There are some treatments you can done around the city f London that will give you a quick fix when it comes to patching up problems with your teeth; some are good, so are just enough but if you are in a hurry to get done quickly, especially with fairly complex work such as bridges, crowns and veneers, there is one treatment that defies belief- CEREC. This is one treatment and one of those beautiful offspring’s that has benefited from the technological revolution with computers and then that has found its way into dental surgeries all over the city. What it does is so brilliantly simple: you first get images taken of your teeth which are then piped into the CEREC computer programme where you new fitting will be designed. In turn, this information is then fed into a machine that will make your new fitting, whilst you are being prepared by your dentist next door. Once done, you will be kitted out with your new parts and should anything go wrong, the dentist can sort out the problem there and then. Let’s not also forget that all of this can be achieved in around an hour, which means you can be back at work with a shiny new smile.