The Earlier The Better When It Comes To London Kids Oral Health
We understand that when it comes to children’s dentistry it can be difficult to get your children into a good oral health regime. It is important to realise the long term damage that can occur by ignoring your child’s tooth-time habits. Cavities are painful and unsightly stains from bacteria can discolour the teeth in a short space of time. These can be difficult to remove.
For young children it’s a good idea to help them see brushing as a positive thing to do by playing fun games or singing their favourite song for the time it takes to brush. It’s important to bring your child early to the dentist to get them familiar with a dental environment. The sights and particularly the sounds of a dental surgery can be scary for young children and they need to see that it’s a safe environment early on.
We request that you bring children for a dental check-up almost every 6 months to ensure maximum dental efficiency. It’s important for children to start with a soft brush to use as they can be sensitive to hard brushing which can make them reluctant to continue brushing.
We can give parents further advice, help and tips when it comes to your child’s precious oral health. You should pop into a London-based dental clinic for a chat.