The Great Bridgeworks of Central London
There’s a damn good chance that all of us at some point inLondonwill lose a tooth or during our lives. Now when we’re very young, that doesn’t pose a problem, because another one is on its way through to retain the shape of the smile: not so when we are getting on a bit and when we lose a tooth, the importance of getting a replacement is not just about the smile, a lost tooth/teeth can have health implications too- the other teeth can move and more infection can set in. Now there are a few ways that you can go about getting a replacement, but one of the most durable, tried and tested methods is to have a dental bridge fitted, and this procedure has come a long way since it first appeared in dental surgeries. The materials they are sourced from have got stronger and the method of fitting them a lot better. Some bridges can be attached to adjacent teeth using wires and resin, but these have started to become superseded since the mini-implant was introduced into the world of tooth replacement. The more preferred bridge was a tooth that was set between two crowns that were cemented onto the teeth either side of the loss. This could also be used where a few teeth had been lost, though the problem was, the centre of the bridge got weaker over distance. The mini-implant however, can be placed at the centre of the gap (in the jaw bone), and give it a lot of anchorage- and from this has sprung a lot of variations on the theme. Though hard to clean at first, once you have got the hang of a bridge, it will serve you faithfully for well over 15 years.