Visit Your London Dental Clinic When In Pain
When you have dental pain, visit your dentist in London, as it may not be as bad as you think! Dental pain can occur as a result of disease or injury to the dental pulp or the adjacent structure (periodontium). Early on, disease(s) of the pulp, known as reversible pulpitis, have warning signs such as a transient sharp pain brought about by exposure to cold or sweet. Periodontal pain is usually associated with an acute periodontal abscess, which can also result in serious problems. Dental pain is generally acute in nature, and prompt and effective treatment by tooth restoration, root-canal therapy, extraction, or periodontal curettage will result in the resolution of pain.
Clinically, a dental caries lesion (a cavity) occurs when a hole appears outer surface of the tooth. However, when this is observed, dental caries has proceeded to the late stage. A clinically noticeable white lesion may precede the carious lesion. However, these white spots may not proceed to dental decay. Interproximal (between) tooth surfaces may only be visible with the use of a dental X-ray (radiograph), and the decay can go unnoticed in these areas until it is too late in the caries process.
Diagnostic tests for dental caries are non-invasive. This is due to the fact that the teeth are exposed to the environment and can be visualized by looking into oral cavity (mouth). During a clinical examination, the dentist will use a dental explorer to help diagnose dental caries. When the explorer is placed into a cavity it will usually stick into the decayed area. Dental radiographs (X-rays) are used to help the dental professional diagnose caries that cannot be viewed directly or detected by the explorer. Conventional dental therapy is based on response to symptoms.