Want to Have a Sparkling Empress Veneers Smile? Consult Your London Dentist
Want to have dazzling, natural-looking teeth without any downtime? Ask your London dentist about Empress Veneers and how they can give you the sparkling smile you have been longing all your life.
Aside from providing a fantastic smile, Empress Veneers have several advantages over other types of dental veneers:
• Optimum porcelain fit
• Enamel-like wear
• Whitens teeth
• Closes gaps between teeth
• Straightens crooked teeth
• Durable
• Biocompatible
• Resistance to stain
Empress Veneers are made of thin ceramic porcelain. Your London dentist can place Empress Veneers on the front of your tooth by using quality esthetic cement. The effect is natural-looking teeth that will not irritate or affect your gums.
This type of veneer is stain-resistant and makes teeth appear whiter. Your teeth with Empress Veneers appear so natural that no one will notice that they have been treated.
Additionally, Empress Veneers are ideal substitute to metallic restorations. The veneer’s natural look is achieved by the use of ceramic materials. Using these ceramic materials, restored teeth are made similar to the shape and colour of the original teeth.
Furthermore, Empress Veneers are individually fabricated, thus providing the patient a perfect fit and characteristics of natural teeth. Empress Veneers teeth are modeled in wax and pressed in ceramic porcelain inside a furnace. The custom-manufacturing of Empress Veneers are completed by using layering and staining techniques.
There is no doubt that Empress Veneers are good choice for individuals who want to have impressive smiles.