What to do When a Dental Emergency Strikes
Dental emergencies can strike at the worst of times. Often, when it’s that time of year when we need to renew our car insurance, pay car tax and then get repairs done for the failed MOT. Not to mention the money that goes on other living costs; To add a dental emergency to the mix is not what you were hoping for. But a dental emergency is an urgent problem, just like any other medical emergency.
Can’t I just take a pain killer?
Certainly not! A pain killer will not treat the root cause of the problem and the repercussions for your dental health could be serious, not to mention unnecessary. For example, not responding to a dental emergency such as a chipped tooth can result in damage to the nerves and blood vessels causing a serious infection that may spread to the back of the head and neck.
There is a very valid reason why the scenarios outlined above are classed as dental emergencies; you are not merely dicing with cosmetics.
How to prepare for a dental emergency
To prepare for a dental emergency, have a first aid kit to hand which contains pain killers, antiseptic mouthwash and cotton wool pads to stop any bleeding. Other materials, such as gauze and sugar free chewing gum (yes, sugar free chewing gum) are also essential for your dental emergency kit. See the ‘emergency procedures’ section below to find out why.
Be vigilant
If you attend your regular six month check-up with the dentist, you can prevent dental emergencies from occurring. For example, your dentist will be able to detect cavities and decay before serious pain and damage is caused.
Remember to brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, floss daily and rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash, such as Corsodyl, after brushing.