Why You Need to be Concerned About Central Apnea in London
In London, much of our breathing is regulated by the brain when we are awake, however, we can interrupt normal breathing cycles and signals to the brain without even knowing, causing fluctuations in heart rate, blood flow and changes in nerve responses. This is more common in the transition between sleeping and waking and vice-versa, and this can cause central apnea to occur. This is where the breathing process is interrupted for over 10 seconds at a time, normally because the brain has stopped signalling the muscles that control the breathing. The symptoms are quite easy to spot such as fatigue, headaches in the morning and sleepiness during the day. It often happens to people with heart problems or who are suffering from heart disease (this is strongly linked to gum disease).
However, if the problem develops into central sleep apnea, it can work in reverse, causing the heart to fail. There are certain dental procedures and devices that can be fitted into the mouth that can open the airflow to the lungs and reduce the chances of the problem becoming fatal. As the airflow becomes more regular, the heart will pump blood and oxygen into the brain, in turn, regulating the muscles that control the breathing.