About 3M SmartClip™ SL3 Self-Ligating Appliance System
The patented clips of the 3M SmartClip Self-Ligating Appliance System are designed to minimise your time in the chair, so if you’d like to secure short visits to your orthodontist, this may be the perfect solution for you.
The precisely finished nickel-titanium clips and smooth radiused surfaces are designed for maximum comfort. The high-end material is stain-resistant, ensuring you can continue enjoying your favourite foods throughout the treatment without worrying about the attachments changing colour.
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Pros of 3M SmartClip™ Attachments
Intelligent clips
3M SmartClip’s “intelligent” clips release the wire if the forces pulling become too excessive, thus ensuring greater safety throughout the treatment process.
Low-profile attachments
The low-profile brace attachments allow for elevated comfort during treatment, with minimal disruption to your lifestyle.
Smooth surface
The smooth surface of the 3M SmartClip brackets protects the soft tissue in your mouth, enhancing your experience.
What to expect from your treatment?
Our specialist orthodontist will thoroughly assess your orthodontic case during your initial consultation and discuss your requirements. Based on your needs and desires, we will recommend a few brace solutions and explain the results you can expect with each one. If you have decided that the 3M SmartClip Self-Ligating Appliance System is the right choice for you, do not hesitate to let us know that this is what you prefer.
When you decide to go ahead with your treatment, your first appointment will be booked. During this session, the attachments will be bonded to your teeth, and a thin wire will be passed through, so the alignment can begin. Most orthodontic treatments take between 12 and 15 months, with more complex cases requiring up to 24 months.