Carriere motion appliance-treatment-London

Carriere Motion Appliance

Complex bite correction made easy

For patients with complex orthodontic cases that require bite correction, the Carriere Motion Appliance might be the perfect fit. The appliance, coming in both clear and metal colour, was created to speed up and ease bite correction for Class II and Class III patients, eliminating the need for headgear.

Carriere Motion Appliance is suitable for patients of all ages. If you or your child have been told that you require a bite correction, book a consultation with our specialist orthodontist trained to work with Carriere Motion Appliance to determine if this solution will be suitable for you.

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Book a consultation with our specialist orthodontist

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Why opt for Carriere Motion Appliance?

This new technology takes an innovative approach to bite correction. By focusing on aligning your bite before your braces are attached, the appliance allows you to have a smoother, shorter, and more comfortable dental experience. Whether you need a mild bite correction or an alternative to jaw surgery, this treatment can help you achieve results, unlikely with other types of braces.

Carriere Motion Appliance comes with a comfortable, smooth design that doesn’t poke the inside of your mouth during treatment. Oral hygiene is easy, and the treatment design helps you avoid wearing elastics throughout the entire process. Instead, elastics are only needed in the first few months of treatment and then completely removed.

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Can you combine Carrier Motion Aligners with Invisalign?

The quick answer is yes, you can. If you’re looking for an inconspicuous yet rather fast treatment that includes a bite aligning, you can talk to our specialist orthodontist about the possibility of combining an Invisalign treatment with Carrier Motion Appliance.

According to the in-house research provided by Henry Schein Orthodontics (view PDF here), using the appliance before starting your treatment can help speed up the process with months.

Who is Carriere Motion Appliance suitable for?

The technology is suitable for people of all ages – from children to adult patients. It was designed particularly with bite correction in mind, and it can assist with improving your:

  • underbite,
  • overbite,
  • cross bite,
  • open bite,
  • TMJ issues,
  • and more.

Book a consultation with our specialist orthodontist to discuss your case and find out if Carriere Motion Appliance can help you achieve the beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of.

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