Damon Metal Self-Ligating braces

About Damon Metal self-ligating braces

Damon Metal is a self-ligating brace system, used and loved by orthodontists for years. The plan, introduced officially in 1996, has been explicitly designed to address the friction between wires and brackets, which is often the cause of treatment delay. Because of this innovation, Damon claims that treatment takes less time, requires fewer adjustments by your orthodontist, and can address complex treatments without the need for extractions or expanders.

Damon Metal braces are an ideal solution for patients requiring predictable treatment outcomes and a comfortable dental experience, with jewel-like attachments on the teeth that will not stain throughout the treatment, regardless of its duration.

Damon Metal self ligating braces

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Pros of Damon Metal Braces


Proven efficiency

It’s not a coincidence that when a complicated case is presented to orthodontists, they often choose Damon Metal – the system has proven its efficiency with thousands of transformed smiles.


No staining

Although the metal attachments may not be everyone’s first choice, the absolute lack of staining risk is undoubtedly appealing when treatment of 15 or 24 months is predicted.


Perfect oral hygiene

Without the need for elastics to hold the wires and with the small Damon attachments, you can ensure that your dental hygiene remains impeccable throughout the treatment, and the results are spectacular.

What to expect from your treatment?

Our orthodontist will carry out a full assessment of your case during your initial consultation and advise you on the best solution and the possible results. With each patient’s needs and requirements varying, we strive to provide a highly customised solution and treat you with the attention and care you deserve.

If you have opted for Damon Metal self-ligating braces, your first appointment will include bonding the attachments to your teeth and passing the wire through the sliding clip, so the alignment of your teeth can begin. Based on your case’s complexity, the orthodontist may need to see you every 6 or 8 weeks, and where possible, even less frequently. See some patient testimonials here.

Treatment with Damon Metal self-ligating braces, London

Find out more about other self-ligating braces

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