Emergency Dental Kits

Emergency dental kits are a temporary means of treating oral injury, dental trauma, tooth loss or damage to a tooth restoration. They can also aid in the maintenance of an orthodontic appliance or denture. A dental emergency may trigger toothache, oral pain or tooth damage. By using an emergency dental kit individuals can reduce oral pain and/or save a tooth or dental device in time for professional emergency dental care.

The faster one acts in a dental emergency the higher the likelihood of reducing further dental damage and discomfort. There are instances where a dental emergency requires immediate action to prevent a medical emergency from developing. Seeking professional emergency dentistry treatment is vital to restore oral health and dental function, preventing infection and other health complications.

If a tooth or part of a tooth is avulsed or knocked out, try to keep hold of the tooth as it may be possible to reattach and save the tooth. The same applies to damaged dental or orthodontic devices that can be professionally repaired, such as braces repair or denture repair.

Stores, supermarkets and pharmacies are increasingly stocking different types of emergency dental repair kits to meet the needs of those who experience a dental emergency, such as tooth pain or tooth loss. However, these emergency dental repair kits are a temporary measure.

Emergency dental kits contain a range of dental care items suitable for use. Clove oil and swabs may be present to treat toothache; dental bonding agent may be included to temporarily reattach a crown or dental veneer. It is nonetheless important to be treated by an emergency dentist for professional oral assessment and care.

Emergency dental repair kit contents differ based on cost and purpose, such as denture repair or tooth restoration repair versus toothache, tooth infection or tooth avulsion. Some emergency dental repair kits contain temporary dental filler to fill a cavity before a professional filling is obtained. Others have antibacterial mouthwash and antiseptic to prevent spread of oral infection. Various dental instruments including a dental mirror may form part of the emergency dental kit.

The aim of the emergency dental kit is to provide temporary relief while waiting for treatment by an emergency dentist. Professional assessment and care is vital for oral and overall well-being in a dental emergency.

Emergency Dental Care and Dental Repair Kit Uses

The contents of emergency dental repair kits are there to provide temporary oral and dental relief and repair. By no means is temporary treatment designed to be a long-term solution. The materials are not of the same quality designed for professional dental care. However, the emergency dental kits and dental repair kits serve a useful purpose in providing short-term immediate treatment while professional emergency care is sought.

The types of uses for emergency dental care and dental repair kits include:


Toothache/Oral Pain

Emergency dental kits usually contain clove oil that can be applied to a sore tooth with cotton wool. Eugenol-containing gel or oil may also be present to provide toothache relief. Over-the-counter painkillers such as Ibuprofen are also an option for dental pain until emergency treatment is provided.


Filling or Tooth Restoration Loss

Teeth sensitivity and dental pain increases when a tooth cavity is present, a filling is lost or a tooth restoration is unattached from the tooth. Emergency dental repair kits contain dental bonding agent to temporarily re-attach the tooth filling or restoration before professional dental care is reached. Temporary dental crowns or veneers may also be present in the kit if the restoration has fallen out and cannot be found. Some kits contain dental cement to temporarily fill a tooth cavity and prevent infection.


Tooth Fracture/Break

Dental cement may be included in the dental repair kit to temporarily seal a tooth fracture, crack or break, until a dentist is able to properly restore the tooth. It is important to seal the groove as soon as possible so that plaque and bacteria cannot develop in the groove and cause infection.


Tooth Loss

If a tooth is forcefully knocked out due to an injury, accident or assault, the tooth may be totally unattached or partially attached by the tooth root or nerve. It is vital to save the tooth so the dentist may reattach and preserve the existing tooth. Holding the tooth in the socket may reduce bleeding and allow for future regeneration. Dental kits have cotton wool to absorb bleeding, antiseptic to prevent infection and pain-killing gel to reduce gum inflammation and discomfort.


Orthodontic Braces Damage

Certain brands of braces come with their own brace repair kits. However, these orthodontic repair kits are temporary. If braces are damaged it is important to contact an emergency dentist to repair the braces for continued teeth straightening treatment. Wearing damaged braces may cause oral trauma and not have the desired effect on the alignment of teeth. Further damage may also occur to the orthodontic device.


Broken Dentures

The same applies to denture repair kits used to temporarily fix broken dentures. Although these kits provide a means of restoring the denture for short-term wear, proper denture assessment is needed by a dentist to repair or replace the dentures. Wearing broken dentures may cause gum irritation or damage to oral tissue. Such damage and possible infection is prevented through proper dentistry denture repair.

Benefits of Emergency Dental Kits

The main benefit of emergency dental kits is immediate, temporary repair to prevent further tooth damage and infection. The emergency dental kit buys time before professional dental treatment is provided by a qualified and experienced dental clinician.

Parents find such kits useful to treat child toothaches. Those at higher risk of dental trauma, such as sports people, find having an emergency dental kit on hand a relief when oral injuries arise. Many a dentist has been able to save an existing tooth, tooth restoration or dental device due to the use of an emergency dental kit or dental repair kit.

Create an Emergency Dental Kit

Some people find it useful to get advice from their dentist about what to include in an emergency dental kit. Emergency dental kits can be personalised to deal with unique dental, orthodontic devices and denture needs. The emergency dental kit of someone who has veneers may differ from that of someone who has braces.

Typically, emergency dental repair kits contain:

  • Clove oil – reduce dental pain and toothache whilst giving a fresh breath.
  • Cotton wool – stop bleeding and pain by pressing down on the cotton wool against the area of oral trauma.
  • Dental floss – useful for removing trapped food that may attract plaque and bacteria.
  • Antiseptic mouthwash – used to rinse the mouth of blood and debris to reduce infection.
  • Pain-killing oral gel – reduce toothache and give relief when oral pain is experienced.

Dentists may provide recommendations on how best to use the contents of an emergency dental kit for improved oral health.

The Need for Professional or Emergency Dental Care

Any treatment through use of an emergency dental kit is temporary and will not stop potential damage to oral health, restorations or devices. Only professional dental care provides long term oral care solutions.

Leaving dental trauma untreated can accentuate dental damage and result in more costly care or replacement of dental devices. Certain dental emergencies may re-occur and escalate into medical emergencies.

Proper dental care by a trained and experienced dentist provides long-term oral health improvement, proper bite function and better overall health.

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