London Dentist Explains Dental Calculus
In London, your dentist will properly care for your dental needs to prevent calculus from forming on your teeth. Some dental plaques mature into dental calculus. Some people do not form calculus, others form only moderate amounts, and still others form heavy amounts. Before supragingival plaque (above the gums) mineralizes to form dental calculus, you can remove it with proper oral hygiene. As the plaque matures, it becomes more resistant to removal with a toothbrush, and significantly more pressure is required for its removal. Once dental calculus is formed, your London dentist, using professional instrumentation needs to remove it; you can no longer remove it.Calculus itself is not harmful; however calculus needs to be removed because its presence makes routine oral hygiene more difficult or even impossible and it may contribute to greater plaque accumulation and stagnation. Calculus formation is related to the fact that saliva is saturated with calcium and phosphate ions as well as other ions, such as magnesium, zinc, fluoride, and carbonate. Supragingival calculus that forms on the tooth crown frequently developing opposite the duct orifices (openings) of the major salivary glands and is often found where saliva pools on the lingual surfaces of the mandibular incisors. It can also form in the grooves of the tooth (called fissures). Subgingival calculus forms from calcium phosphate and organic materials derived from blood serum which contributes to its mineralization, and may be darker in appearance.
Local factors, behavioral and systemic conditions affect calculus formation. Conversely, medications such as beta-blockers, diuretics, and anticholinergics can result in significant reduced levels of calculus. The medications are either excreted directly into the saliva affecting the rate of crystallization, or they alter the composition of the saliva, and as a result indirectly affected calculus formation.