12 Nov

London Dentists Offer Cosmetic Dentistry

Many different cosmetic dental procedures are offered in London. When you may walk into the London Dental Clinic you may have already decided what type of cosmetic dental treatment you want, and may even have a picture of a beautiful smile with you. The first time you see your London dentist, you two will have a conversation about what you want done with your teeth and smile. The dentist will then take a look in your mouth, and you two will talk further. There are many procedures that can be performed, and your dentist will tell you which one is best. It may be the same one that you had in mind, or the dentist may suggest a different procedure. The dentist will explain to you why your chosen procedure will work or won’t work, and then tell you what can be done for you.
There are many different types of cosmetic procedures that can be performed, and these include: Teeth whitening (in-office and at-home), bonding, porcelain veneers, Lumineers, dental crowns, dental bridges, and implants for missing teeth. All of these procedures are available at your London Dental Clinic. If you want to go a step further with your consultation, your dentist with perform a complete dental exam, take the appropriate dental X-rays, take impressions of your teeth for study models, and take some digital photographs of your mouth. The dentist will place white wax on the study models and/or show you your photographs on the computer, and then alter the photographs to show you the results that can be achieved. Depending on both your time and the dentist’s time, some procedures can be immediately performed, while with others, you may need some dental appointments scheduled. Your London dentist will design the cosmetic procedures specifically for you and your dental needs.