12 Aug
Almost a third of Canadians only brush their teeth once a day, survey reveals

A new survey has revealed that almost a third of Canadians only brush their teeth once a day, despite dental professionals recommending twice-daily brushing.  A poll conducted by Research Co. and Glacier Media found that 55% of adults brush twice a day, with 29% brushing only once daily and 17%…

24 Jul
Could supervised brushing at school help to stem the tide of decay?

Public Health England figures suggest that dentists are removing around 1,000 teeth per month from children under the age of 6, despite the fact that almost all cases of decay are preventable. With dental issues costing the NHS millions of pounds, and children missing 60,000 school days every year as…

03 Jul
New research shows that electric toothbrushes are better than manual brushes

New research has shown that using an electric toothbrush is better for your dental health than employing a manual brush. Researchers found that using an electric toothbrush contributes to healthier gums, a reduced risk of tooth decay and a higher probability of keeping the natural teeth for longer. The new…

08 May
Dental mistakes you probably didn’t know you were making

Most of us grow up with an oral hygiene routine in place, but sometimes, habits of a lifetime don’t always reflect what’s actually good for us. Unwittingly, many of us make dental mistakes without being aware of the potential consequences. One of the most common errors people commit when they…

21 Feb
Are you getting tooth care all wrong?

Even if you clean your teeth twice a day, every day, there’s a chance that you’re not doing it right. There’s an art to brushing, and certain habits can prevent you from achieving the clean you want. To improve dental health and optimise results, dental experts have shared some common…

14 Jun
Could your brushing technique be ruining your teeth?

Learning to include twice-daily brushing in your habitual routine is part and parcel of growing up. Most of us know that we’re supposed to brush twice a day, but do you know how to brush your teeth properly. You may think that you’re doing a great job just because you…