Month: October 2010
Learn more about toothpaste at Central London dentist
Toothpaste is the soft substance that is applied to toothbrushes to aid with the cleaning of teeth. It is very effective at removing plaque and bacteria from the surfaces of the teeth and often contains fluoride, which helps to protect the teeth against gum disease and tooth decay. It is…
READ ARTICLEStop tooth erosion at London dentists
The teeth are coated by a protective layer of a hard substance called enamel which acts as a defensive barrier against plaque and bacteria. However, even though enamel is very resilient it will eventually wear away over time if it is not protected further by effective cleaning and brushing. Brushing…
READ ARTICLECentral London dentist with important advice about toothbrushes
Brushing your teeth is one of the most important ways of looking after your teeth as it removes plaque and keeps the teeth free from debris and food particles which attract bacteria and lead to enamel erosion and dental decay. As well as brushing the teeth it is also advised…
READ ARTICLEUnderstand teething with help from City of London dentist
Teething is a normal part of a baby’s development and should be no more stressful than growing hair but for some babies it can be a cause of pain and distress which in turn can affect the mother and father. Some babies are born and already have teeth, but usually…
READ ARTICLETooth saving root canal treatment from City of London dentist
Dental infections affect the parts of the tooth right near their centre in the root. This makes them very difficult to treat as it is very hard to get to that part of the tooth. That means that in some cases, where the infection has really taken hold, there are…
READ ARTICLEGet the best for the health of your kids’ teeth at London dentist
The health of your kids’ teeth is very important to not just their overall health right now but also to their future health. As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your children’s teeth are in the best possible condition to give them the best possible start in…