31 Aug
Getting Root Canals in London

If you’re suffering from tooth decay, it’s probably safe to say that it is pretty much your own fault, because tooth decay is a direct result of poor oral hygiene. This common evil is caused by bacteria and acids being allowed to eat into the tooth’s enamel and get inside…

29 Aug
Top notch teeth with Porcelain Veneers in Central London

Next time you are walking around central London and looking for something to do, pop into the British Museum and have a look at some statues made from porcelain- look at the way the material gives off such an amazing natural hue and how beautiful it is. Hold that thought,…

28 Aug
Perfect Porcelain Crowns in the City of London

Keeping up appearances is everything in the city of London, and the one thing that anyone is going to remember about you is how you open your mouth. Keeping your teeth looking spectacular is the most important thing here. Sure things can go wrong, but it’s vitally important to get…

27 Aug
You and Oral Hygiene in London

We all know how beautiful London can be and how it gently seduces you into playing hard- that’s why we love it. Nothing wrong in that at all, but as long as when we play hard, we should also know when look after ourselves hard as well. If you think…

25 Aug
Facing up to Oral Cancer in Central London

Learning that you have cancer at any time is a shock in itself and coming to terms with that is hard enough. But the biggest challenge is just around the corner and that’s fighting it. Oral cancer is on the increase in central London, just why, no-one can be sure…

24 Aug
Protecting your Mouth in the City of London

Roller-ball, now that’s a film- based on the idea of hard working people being able let steam off at the weekends through the use of sport. Actually, that’s not exactly true, because it’s a violent game set in the future to appease people’s lust for violence. But one of the…