Month: February 2013
Being strong on Gum Disease in Central London
If there is one disease in central London that causes more devastation and complications in your mouth more than any other, it’s gum disease, and not content just to destroy your gums, it will be poisoning your blood, your heart and other organs as well. It starts, like anything does…
READ ARTICLECauses of death unknown: Sleep Apnea in London
When you sleep at night in London, you are at the mercy of your brain to keep your body going until you wake again. Your brain will send signals to your lungs to take in air regularly so that the heart can tick over like clockwork and send oxygen through…
READ ARTICLEWiping out decay with a Root Canal in the City of London
Living in the city of London, your teeth will always come under threat from things that are keen to destroy them and although you fight everyday to ensure that they are clean and healthy, you only have to turn your back for a moment and they are straight in again…
READ ARTICLEThe problem solving Porcelain Crown in London
It is always nice to know that if something goes wrong in your mouth, modern dentistry in London has all the answers to help solve these problems. When it comes to the problem of tooth loss or tooth decay, your dentist may well call in the services of the porcelain…
READ ARTICLELondon prefers the Porcelain Veneer
If age is starting to get the better of your teeth and problems have started to appear, you needn’t worry too much because help is at hand just around the corner. London loves a little cosmetic dentistry and there is none cuter than the porcelain veneer to hold off the…
READ ARTICLEPutting a Bridge in the hole in Central London
Like anywhere in the country, central London has its fair share of problems when it comes to tooth loss, but also like anywhere else, there are several ways you can solve the problem. One of the most reliable methods that has been around for years is the dental bridge; a…