Month: August 2010
There is an end to dental pain at London dentist
There are few pains in this world like dental pain. If you have ever suffered from a really bad toothache caused by an infection, or even a damaged tooth as the result of an accident you will know just how excruciating and debilitating the pain can be. There are a…
READ ARTICLEBeat deadly gum disease at Central London dentist
It is one of the most common diseases in the UK with over three quarters of adults suffering at some point in their life. It can be the source of great pain and has been linked to causing heart problems and even fatal heart attacks. Yet this problem is often…
READ ARTICLETooth saved with root canal treatment from City of London dentist
Dental pain caused by an infected tooth can be very unpleasant and at times excruciating. This is because dental infections happen when the tough outer part of the teeth is broken down exposing the very sensitive inner part of the tooth, which contains the dental nerve. This nerve will then…
READ ARTICLEHow to overcome dental anxiety at City of London dentist
We all get anxious sometimes about certain things. It is just part of being human however unpleasant it may be. However. Being afraid or anxious about something that is going to benefit your health in the long run is not just unpleasant but also slightly irrational, but then that is…
READ ARTICLEProtect your teeth from trauma with mouth guard from Central London dentist
Playing sport can result in all sorts of injuries that often require you to wear safety equipment. This could be a helmet, gloves or even shin guards. It is also very important to remember to protect your teeth when playing any sport that involves speed, balls or high levels of…
READ ARTICLECentral London dentist diagnoses TMJ
Often mistakenly attributed as a symptom of a wider condition, TMJ is the collective name for a series of muscle and joint complaints that affect the temporomandibular joint around the face and mouth. TMJ limits movement of the jaw and causes pain. The condition is poorly understood which often leads…