11 May
What is a Retainer and Why Do I Need One?

Every orthodontic patient is advised to wear a retainer, but what exactly is a retainer and why is it so important? What exactly is a retainer? A retainer is an appliance recommended for patients who have had orthodontic treatment to straighten and align the teeth. Retainers are worn to keep…

08 Mar
Methods for Teeth Straightening in the City of London

There is no question that children with crooked teeth should have teeth straightening done as quickly as possible. Aside from concerns about appearance, crooked teeth are impossible to keep clean. Eventually, this can lead to all kinds of dental and health problems later on in life. Today, dentists in the…

11 Apr
Orthodontic Treatments in London

Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that involves the study and treatments of growths related to a patient’s jaws, teeth and overall face structure. Orthodontics in London is in high demand these days, with thousands of people having undergone the treatment last year and more adults actually wanting this…

01 Mar
London in all (braced) smiles

When we look at the faces of kids or young adults, we see most of them wearing some or other kind of braces. We might wonder why so many people have to undergo dental treatment? All their teeth so abnormal? In fact, many have some or other type of bite…