Tag: thumb sucking
Sucking your Thumb in the City of London
It is hard to think that thumb sucking in the city of London can be so dangerous to a child’s teeth, yet it can cause prolific damage to the growth of teeth in general. In young children, it is seen as a form of comfort and at first it is…
READ ARTICLEThumbsucking is a Natural Occurrence But Your London Dentist Can Help Answer Any Dental Concerns You May Have
Many children suck their thumbs from the earliest age, it can even be seen in the womb with ultrasounds. Thumbsucking is a natural reflex that is harmless at an early age. For most children thumbsucking will cease at 6 months, some it will continue for several years, and a few…
READ ARTICLELondon Dentist gives advice on Thumb Sucking
Your London dentist can answer your questions or concerns about your child’s thumb sucking habit. Sucking is a natural reflex of instinct of infants, which sometimes stays with them into childhood. Thumb sucking tends to give a child a happy and secure feeling. It also allows them to learn about…