12 Sep
Stunning modern dentures from City of London dentist

Although significant improvements have been made in the last twenty years when it comes to dental technology, the dental health of the nation hasn’t shown a similar improvement. This may be due to poor diets, children eating too much sugary food or simply due to complacency. Whatever the cause, people…

11 Sep
Confront your phobia with help from City of London dentist

Fear is part of the human condition. An inbuilt defence mechanism that keeps us safe form harm and stops us doing things that are bad for us. However, sometimes the fear can be slightly misplaced and irrational leading to ultimately more harm than good. For example, having a fear of…

10 Sep
Central London dentist saves smile with dental bridge

Dental bridges are an effective and solid way of replacing missing teeth that have been lost either to dental decay or some kind of physical trauma. The bridge fills the gap left by a missing tooth with an artificial tooth attached on either side by a dental crowns or resin-bonded…

09 Sep
Avoid painful dental decay with help of City of London dentist

Our teeth are very important to us. Not only do they enable us to talk and eat properly, but they also act as rigid support for facial structure. However, our teeth are constantly under attack from bacteria and plaque, which can erode the protective layer of tooth enamel and cause…

09 Sep
No more dental anxiety after relaxation treatment from City of London dentist

Suffering from dental anxiety can be a real hindrance to a patient’s life. It can stop them receiving the necessary dental treatment which can increase the risk of nasty dental diseases like gum disease and tooth decay causing problems. But where does dental anxiety come from and can it be…

09 Sep
London dentists and the effective treatment of dental pain

Dental pain can be very unsettling, not just because it can be very severe but because it can make you feel so helpless. If you are suffering from a really bad toothache, there is little you can do yourself to make the pain any better. This is why it is…