11 May
The 'joy' of root canals in the City of London

The treatment of excessive tooth decay by root canal has never been good reading in the city of London, in fact it has thrown up some very bad urban legends as well. It is by its very nature a tricky little treatment and sometimes in the past, a bit grotesque…

12 Apr
Call it what You want-Root Canal Treatment in London is an Important Treatment

Inner tooth pulp infection spreads to the tooth root tissue. Root canal treatment aims to eliminate infection from dental pulp and tooth roots for the preservation of existing teeth. Untreated infection spreads from one tooth to another through root canals and eventually circulates the infection throughout the body. Dentists in…

15 Oct
Avoid dry socket with help from Central London dentist

Sometimes after a dental operation there can be side effects or health consequences that you need to be aware of. One of the most common is called dry socket and will require treatment from your Central London dentist. Dry sockets occur when teeth have been extracted and blood clots form…

21 Jun
A London Dentist Can Do Oral Surgery

When you need oral surgery, it is very important to make sure that you feel comfortable with your dentist, as well as the setting where the surgery will be performed. In most cases, you will not need to go to a hospital, unless you have certain medical conditions. Therefore, if…

21 Jun
A City of London Dentist Provides Sedation for Nervous Patients

In almost every circumstance, your dentist will numb your mouth enough to prevent pain during various procedures. Nevertheless, if the sound of dental drills and other equipment makes you nervous, it may be necessary to have sedation. Today, a City of London dentist can provide you with a number of…

06 Jun
Wisdom Tooth Removal Can be Done at a London Dental Office

Even though your wisdom teeth may not have erupted, they can cause all kinds of problems. For example, if they start to erupt, and then stop, the gum tissue around them can be easily irritated. This is especially important to consider if there is a small flap of gum covering…