24 Jul
Flossing Can Keep That London Summer Smile in Perfect Working Order

It can’t be said that the dental industry doesn’t try to come up with products to help you maintain a healthy smile- something that you will definitely desire in a hot summer in London when everyone starts to look great, free and beautiful. As you get older the need to…

07 Jul
Central London Check-Ups Will Save You Money in The Long Run

A lot of you people in central London are very busy. So fitting in the important things such as dental and doctor’s appointments can be difficult to juggle into a hectic day, but juggle you must, because we are talking about your health here. When it comes to attending a…

07 Jan
Route one to great Oral Hygiene in London

You should view you body as a temple in London: if you harmonise it with a good healthy diet and regular exercise, it should keep every part of you ticking over nicely throughout your life- including your mouth, for strong immune system will help keep up saliva levels in your…

09 Oct
Getting a great Scale and Polish in your mouth in London

You may think that you have cracked the art of home oral hygiene with all your fancy products, but London has a habit of tempting you in strange ways and luring you away from looking after yourself, and it doesn’t take long for something like plaque to start working its…

04 Oct
How fighting Bad Breath can give you a better life in London

London- what a superb city, but if you want to get on board with what it demands of you and keep in the game socially with your friends and at work, you will need to look after yourself as best you can. Clothes, hairstyle, make-up- all play a part in…

02 Oct
Healthy mouths lead to a Healthy Heart in London

Your body is a very intricate system in London; everything is very balanced and co-ordinated and as long as everything is in synch, then you should lead a very healthy life. The health of your mouth is a vital part of all this: caring for the health of your teeth…