18 Oct
Brutal Bruxism in the City of London

In a busy area like the city of London, it comes with all the glamour and bright lights you expect from a city, but it can be quite expensive to survive in as well and on a day to day basis, that can place unwanted burdens on your shoulders as…

07 Apr
Is Teeth Grinding Causing You Dental Problems in the City of London?

Teeth grinding is also referred to as teeth clenching or bruxism, and is treatable in the City of London through orthodontic care. Some people grind their teeth more than others, either as habit during sleep or due to anxious feelings. Teeth grinding erodes tooth enamel, leads to improper bite or…

28 Feb
City of London Dentist Explains Mouth Guards

A mouth guard is a device which covers and protects the teeth and gums. Mouth guards have many uses in the field of oral health – they can be used to treat both bruxism (grinding of the teeth) and TMJ disorders. However, their primary application is almost certainly as protective…

21 Feb
London Dentist Talks about Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction

Your temporomandibular joint, or the TMJ, is the joint in your jaw. There is one TMJ on either side of your jaw. It’s a very important joint, and is used every time we chew, eat and speak. Because of the location and nature of the TMJ, it’s a joint that…

22 Sep
Central London dentist and the pain of TMJ

TMJ is the more common name for temporomandibular joint disorders which affect the areas around the jaw, neck and head. Although it must be said that very little is actually known about the specific causes of TMJ, it is known that the main symptom is pain. The symptoms are also…